The apology of LTTE

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The apology of LTTE

There was a news item recently regarding the apology of LTTE for the killing of Rajiv Gandhi .Many of the news channels prominently carried the story.The apology came from Anton Balasingham and not from Velupillai Prabhakaran.I am not sure whether the apology is genuine.We lost one of our most dynamic personality in 1991 who could have pushed the country to great heights had he survived.Why the apology after 15 long years is not clear.There is also a report now that LTTE has denied apologising for the killing.The assassination was very well planned with help from the locals and if reports are to be believed from some local Congress leaders.I always found it amazing that in the assassinations of Indra Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi,no Congress leader was hurt let alone being killed.

Rajiv Gandhi had sent the IPKF to Sri Lanka and it is very well known that it was against the wishes of the dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu.The IPKF had to fight with their hands tied behind their backs.The IPKF on return from Sri Lanka was rebuffed by Karunanidhi who did not even deem it fit to receive them.There was some rumour of Rajiv Gandhi meeting the LTTE leader Prabhakaran.So what went wrong?Whatever the reasons,the LTTE hatched a diabolical plot to kill Rajiv and succeeded.To see one of the great young leaders of India being killed in our own country was too much.It was also pathetic to note that he could be recognised only by the shoes he was wearing.

The LTTE now wants India to forget the past and move ahead.It would be very tough for India to accept this view.The family has been magnanimous in pardoning Nalini but the LTTE leaders who hatched the plot cannot expect such a treatment.The LTTE like other terrorist organisations cannot be trusted.The same LTTE will not hesitate to kick India if it suits them.I would not like our country to involve ourselves with the problem in Sri Lanka basically because it is their internal problem.No doubt Tamilians are involved but the over all interest of the country needs to be taken into account.If at all India wants to involve itself,it should be on certain conditions.

1.Mr Prabhakaran and the top brass of LTTE jointly admit in writing about their involvement in the killing of Rajiv.
2.The invitation for participating in talks etc should come from Sri Lanka.
3.There should be a consensus in the country about our involvement in Sri Lanka.
4.There should be no military intervention in Sri Lanka.





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